In this post, we will cover many aspects of MySQL on Linux. First of all, how to install it, how to perform basic CRUD operations, how to import & export data, play with the MySQL engine itself such as setting the root user password and much more.
1 Install MySQL on Linux Ubuntu and CentOS
2 Check if MySQL is installed
3 Where does MySQL installed on Linux?
4 Where is the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf)?
5 Start MySQL & enable on startup
6 Check if MySQL is running
7 Check which port MySQL is running
8 Restart MySQL
9 Set root password for MySQL
10 Check MySQL version
11 Create a user on MySQL
12 Grant all privileges
13 List all MySQL databases
14 Create a MySQL table
15 CRUD operations
15.1 Create a new record (Insert)
15.2 Read data from the Table (Select)
15.3 Update data
15.4 Delete a record
16 Import SQL file
17 Export database
18 Backup database
19 Make MySQL case insensitive
20 Where are MySQL logs on Linux?
21 Uninstall MySQL
22 Conclusion