
NewsForge: CLI for Noobies: Everything’s a File

“This is the third and final file-related article in the Linux
CLI for noobies series. But before we remove our GUI water-wings
and dive into the CLI end of the pool to solve the final file
mystery, we’ll do a quick recap of the series to-date to make sure
everyone is up-to-snuff. I also want to take this opportunity to
give a shout-out to our friends at Microsoft who are underlining
the importance of getting out of the GUI box occasionally and
feeling the power of CLI by deciding to ‘invent’ a CLI for Leghorn.
Or is that Foghorn? Whatever, it is the name Microsoft is using for
their new vaporware OS. It’s scheduled to launch in three years, so
if the history of MS operating system launches are any guide, it
should be here by 2009. And what a compliment that MS calls it
‘monad.’ Redmond touting the benefits of a CLI? Amazing. Who knows,
maybe their lead designers have been among the noobies learning
from this series all along…”

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