
SearchEnterpriseLinux: The Wrong Choice: Australian Fisheries Agency Throws NT Back in the Water

[ Thanks to Mike
for this link. ]

“In part one of this two-part interview, Lincolne describes why
NT was the wrong choice for AFMA’s DBMS, details future plans for
Linux migrations and explains why AFMA isn’t an all-Linux shop. In
part two, he offers a step-by-step, in-depth account of his
Linux/DBMS migration and its return on investment.

Could you set the scene, outlining the situation that
led to the data center makeover?

Sean Lincolne: Back in 1999/2000, AFMA was
preparing to upgrade its Ingres [DBMS] from release 6.4 to
OpenIngres 1.2. Computer Associates [was withdrawing support] for
Ingres release 6.4. Also, we projected increasing demands for
performance due to increasing use by end users…”

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