
Server-Oriented Omarine 7.0 Linux OS Released with Enhanced Security

Omarine 7.0 comes about ten months after version 6.2 and more than a year after the 6.x series. It’s a major release that implements a new security policy to enhance the overall security of the operating system and make it easier to use SELinux. Of course, the toolchain has been updated in this release, which ships with Glibc (GNU C Library) 2.31, GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) 9.3.0, systemd 245, Python 3.8.2, PHP 7.4.5, MySQL 8.0.17, QEMU 5.0.0, BIND 9.16.4, NFS-Utils 2.4.3, Krb5 1.18.1, Qt 5.14.2, and OpenJDK 14.0.1.

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