“The uninitiated may ask why UNIX inspires such extreme devotion
in sysadmins… Put simply: people have been pounding on UNIX for
so long that it’s as close to foolproof as you can get… Plus…,
UNIX comes with its own sysadmin’s toolkit.
“If you really want to bond with sysadmins, however, you need to
join them in a meditation on the wonders of the xterm…”
“Among sysadmins in their mid- to late-20s are thrashers and
ravers, many of whom have piercings, blue hair, and love their
skateboards almost as much as they love LINUX.
“Male sysadmins in their 30s and 40s might be divided into two
subsets of “guys with ponytails.” Some ponytailers wear toolbelts,
Leathermen and tradeshow T-shirts, and camouflage pants; other
ponytailers are the Berkeley types who wear Birkenstocks…”