[ Thanks to Bryan Richard for this
link. ]
“It’s an eternal debate amongst Penguinistas: Emacs or Vim?
Unfortunately, for most ‘normal’ (i.e., non-geek) folks, this
debate will never occur, since they will find Emacs or Vim way too
complicated, strange, and, well… different. You’ve heard what
these new users say when they meet Emacs or Vim: ‘Why doesn’t
anything appear when I type? What’s up with these weird key
combinations? I have to do what to save? Modes? What are modes? I
hate this! Why can’t I just type and save like normal?!’“This is really too bad, since Vim has a tremendous amount of
power, stability, and extensibility to offer users (Emacs…
ahhh, not so much). But if users are scared or confused by the
interface, they’ll never get to enjoy the good stuff that Vim has
to offer. There has to be some way to ease users into Vim, some way
to leverage the power of Vim while accommodating, or even
overcoming, the steep learning curve. Fortunately, there is a
solution: Cream…”