“SecurityFocus.com, the Internet’s foremost security information
portal, today expanded its web site to include a dedicated Linux
Focus Area, which will satisfy the demands for security information
connected to the explosive growth of the leading open source
platform in the IS world.”
“With this move, SecurityFocus.com builds on its commitment to
deliver comprehensive, in-depth security information to all Linux
users, including systems administrators, security managers, and
professionals as well as press and media analysts. The Linux Focus
Area will contain the latest and most timely information, available
free to all users, on all Linux security issues.”
“The Linux Focus Area adds a single security resource that
educates users on current vulnerabilities, and provides references,
and repair information. Accessing Linux information is easy:
End users simply click on the Linux tab on SecurityFocus.com’s home
page to access tips on secure system installation and security
management; the latest in platform vulnerabilities; and how to
secure Linux platforms, including a variety of Linux-based security
tools that help Linux administrators detect all known system