[ Thanks to Jason
Greenwood for this link. ]
“If Lance Spitzner has his way, network defenders will get
sweeter on the ‘honeypot’–a traditional method of detecting online
intruders.“Spitzner and two dozen members of the Honeynet Project hope new
changes to the group’s open-source honeypot technology will help
the method become much more popular among security companies and
others. The technology is designed to help users forge their own
honeypots–faked computers and networks that serve as decoys for
discovering online miscreants.“The changes, to be outlined in a paper that will be published
online Monday, were described in a speech Spitzner gave here at the
CanSecWest security show. The new features will help honeypots
become harder for intruders to detect and easier to deploy for
companies and even home users…”