
Community Column: Microsoft Backdoors (a response to ESR’s ‘Reliance on closed source…’)

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By Ian. M.

Editor, Firetrench Monthly

I read with interest the posting by Eric Raymond and have much
sympathy for his position but believe that there is a danger in
over simplifying the situation in an enthusiasm for open

When I started out over thirty years ago the world was firmly
proprietary and closed source. Over the years I have been involved
in the ARPANet/Internet, the UNIX movement and the development of
published Standards (including ISO 9000, X.400/X.500, ITSEC and
Common Criteria) and believed that Open Source was an important
evolutionary step to better, safer, more cost effective information

Over the years, I have observed the capacity for vested
interests in governments and corporations to subvert open
programmes in an attempt to control freedom and secure marketing
locks on customers. One of our major challenges in the open
programme movement is to achieve a level of cohesiveness that can
counter the efforts of these subversive organisations. So far the
most effective weapon in our armoury is in making technology
available free of charge. Linux is a prime example, but the
weakness is that commercial promotion is necessary even here to
secure a strong place in the market for the technology (purists may
question the relevance of a strong market position but without that
position the likes of Microsoft would eventually drive Linux off
the face of the planet). We all need to generate some form of
income from our work. Some of our community may be able to survive
on very token amounts of income, and that may be indirect payment,
but most of our community has to buy food, clothes, housing and all
the other necessities of life, paid for by the day job. That
inevitably introduces increasing commercialism as our favoured
programme gains strength and visibility. That commercialism starts
to introduce closed components.

Microsoft is an unashamed mega-corporation that craves total
market domination and is the natural anti-christ to the open
programme movement. As a result we are never surprised to find some
new undesirable element in their products or their actions.

The group of which I am a member has long (nearly 30 years)
provided skills to a wide range of organisations to identify
vulnerabilities in systems and procedures, both in the form of
practical ethical attack and in evaluation to a published security

The ‘back door’ is a very common feature in a huge range of
‘products’, including those built with Open Systems. I cannot see
any way in which a system can be built without back doors. The
question is not whether, or not, they should exist, or whether
open, or closed systems, are better, but a question of who knows
about the back door – and also the very important questions about
how you secure it and when you should remove it.

Not long ago, an impetuous young former associate was quite
rightly condemned for publishing details of a back door in a
shopping trolley, including the default password. The vendor was
outraged and many thousands of their customers became immediately
vulnerable to attack. The vendor used the traditional justification
that the backdoor was inserted to enable him to assist users who
had, through error, made their system inaccessible. My own view at
the time was that widely publishing exploits, particularly with
passwords, before having first contacted the vendor was inexcusable
and unacceptable. The exploit had been performed on a copy of the
product legitimately purchased and being tested for vulnerabilities
before the client made the system operational on the Internet – so
none of the usual cries about illegal actions applied. However, the
vendor had also committed a common crime IMHO. That crime was not
in adding the backdoor, but in failing to give customers the
opportunity to remove it, or at least change the password/access

What we really don’t know in any case is why the backdoor was
added. Whatever the vendor says, some will suspect that the back
door is there to allow the vendor to do something which the user
might never agree to. With Microsoft’s reputation (richly deserved
or not) many will immediately see conspiracy, in addition to the
obvious security vulnerability.

It is very easy to sit back with a satisfied smile and think
that this is only something that happens with closed systems,
because even open systems are not always open.

No one can deny that Open Source potentially provides the very
best assurance that deliberately hidden vulnerabilities do not
exist. When Linux was largely confined to a small enthusiastic and
technically experienced group of users, the hidden vulnerabilities
were confined to those parts of the product that had never been
completely documented and tested to death.

Having been involved in a project to produce a maths development
environment as the answer to the meaning of information system
life, and having also been an enthusiastic advocate of metaCASE
development, I doubt that any system can ever be built without any
vulnerabilities, although I would postulate that a system built
through metaCASE technology, using proven formal and structured
methods, and carefully tested security clauses, is as close as we
will ever get and light years ahead of traditional ‘fag-packet’
code design. Of course that approach can be extremely costly in the
initial stages even if the life cycle costs normally prove
significantly lower. Most applications and systems integration has
to deliberately accept a number of short cuts and those short cuts
create a wealth of vulnerabilities (both operationally and to
deliberate assault).

If you accept that view of development assurance (as more fully
described in a paper I co-authored with Leroy Lacy for the IIW at
Gaithersburg in 1994), you have to accept that even Open Source
will produce vulnerabilities that are hidden by accident. As Linux
becomes a main stream commercial product, marketed in various
leading distributions by ever larger corporations, back doors will
become more numerous and less visible. It is only a small step to
the stage where we will find Linux distributions that routinely
contain code that no one will ever look at. Open Source
applications built on top will probably achieve that stage first
and be less reported. The saving grace with Linux, in particular,
is that there is a growing army of folk who will spend thousands of
hours looking through various distributions for vulnerabilities and
they will publish their findings in an environment where the window
of opportunity opened by publication will be extremely small – BUT
ONLY if all the affected users are made aware of the discoveries at
the same time as the crackers.

That then brings us neatly to the area of security that defies
all solutions. Many decry ‘security by obscurity’ but, in reality,
it is impossible to avoid depending to some extent on this
approach. A common access control mechanism is still the password
and that depends entirely on obscurity. Any vendor putting in a
backdoor covertly can claim with some justification that they are
protecting their users because it can be discovered only by
deliberate act. Of course if they password protect the back door
with ‘password’ or [blank] that argument is very weak. If they
protect with a 30 character password that is changed daily, the
argument is strengthened. That leaves the ethical question about a
vendor adding a backdoor without any kind of knowledge by the user
and without any form of authorisation.

From direct experience over many years, I know that most systems
are vulnerable to attack through unknown entry points. I remember
one financial system where I was a member of a team testing for the
banking corporation that owned it. Our first unobserved entry to
the target system was via very old slow speed modems originally
installed by the main frame supplier for his remote diagnosis
purposes during the implementation phase, many years before, and
long since forgotten. It took less than 2 hours to find this point
and exploit it, subverting a very costly new banking service. The
attack went unobserved because the client had disabled all audit
and alarm facilities on the main frame to increase performance
cheaply. We went on to identify a host of other vulnerabilities and
YES -Microsoft featured strongly in the target system, but many
early vulnerabilities could just have easily existed in open

Although I largely agree with Eric and understand the basis of
his posting, I consider the greater danger in proprietary closed
systems to be the failure to implement fixes quickly or at all.
Over the years I have been involved in many testing situations
where product vulnerabilities have been discovered and reported to
the vendor who then does nothing. Someone like Microsoft assumes
that every customer who fails to pay for the latest upgrade
deserves all the grief he can get. With Open Source, a user can
decide if and when to implement what enhancements/changes/new

When its a closed system, the tester is in a very difficult
position. You usually have to sign NDAs and that prevents you from
blowing the whistle if you felt you had to do that, even though you
know that the vendor agrees on the vulnerability but has
deliberately decided not to correct the fault at all. Even under
best circumstances, a vendor may be unable to work on a fix for
months. As we all know, the fact that one person has found one
vulnerability means that potentially many other unethical folk
probably also know about the weakness and are working out how best
to exploit it. Any delay in finding a fix increases the window of

I would therefore argue that the greatest risk in backdoors is
inadequate protection and that the person responsible for the
security of a system should know the back door is there, be able to
remove it if he feels the risk justifies removal, and that he is
able to implement a protective system that matches his risk policy
– if he decides to keep the back door.


Contacts points: Postal: Monks Farm, Saint James Road, All
Saints South Elmham, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 OHG, United

Telephone: +44 (0)1986 782 547
Telefax: +44 (0)1986 782 525
Email: ianj-b@firetrench.com

****Newly released**** “Risk Manager’s Handbook No. 5 –
Information & Communications Risk ISBN 1-84280-000-0 Nighthawk
Publishing available from the firetrench.net On-line Shopping Mall

***Recently reprinted*** “Managing Risk” by Ian
M.Johnstone-Bryden; Avebury Imprint ISBN 1 85972 255 5 Library of
Congress CICS No. 95-79002

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