
eWeek: Fed agencies appeal to Linux vendors

“A handful of Federal government agencies have challenged major
Linux vendors to step up their efforts to promote the use of
open-source software for government accounts.”

The agencies — including the Department of Defense, the
Bureau of the Public Debt, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Agency for International
Development — currently all use Linux to some degree. But they are
frustrated at the fact that this usage is not officially
sanctioned, referring to it as yet another “don’t ask, don’t tell”
situation within the government.

“Attending the first Federal Linux Users conference here last
week, agency representatives called on Linux vendors to provide
examples of life-cycle business cases, develop a set of standards
for easier application installations, and come forward with best
practices and programs that guide and reduce the risk of
open-source use.”

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