- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- GENTOO LINUX SECURITY ANNOUNCEMENT 200211-003 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE : apache SUMMARY : Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability DATE : 2002-11-12 14:11 UTC EXPLOIT : local - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- A vulnerability exists in the SSI error pages of Apache 2.0 that involves incorrect filtering of server signature data. The vulnerability could enable an attacker to hijack web sessions, allowing a range of potential compromises on the targeted host. Read the full advisory at http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/293791 SOLUTION It is recommended that all Gentoo Linux users who are running net-www/apache-2.0.42 and earlier update their systems as follows: emerge rsync emerge apache emerge clean - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- aliz@gentoo.org - GnuPG key is available at www.gentoo.org/~aliz - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
Gentoo Linux Advisory: apache
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