First, let’s put these “Linux” security problems into context. Symantec claims that the Internet of Things worm Darlloz has infected 31,000 devices. In the other story, security researchers at anti-virus firm ESET claim that the Operation Windigo botnet, which uses the Cdorked Web server attack kit to assault Apache and other popular open-source Web servers and the Ebury SSH [Secure Shell] rootkit, has had a total of 26,000 infections since May 2013. By comparison, ZeroAccess, the Windows-based botnet that was the largest in the world , had contaminated almost 2 million computers before it was cut down in December 2013.
Even after ZeroAccess was removed, Fortinet reported that attacks were quickly back up to normal. The top 10 botnets are based on unpatched Windows and Windows-based applications.
So, in the big scheme of spreading malware, Linux is small potatoes. But is it really Linux’s fault it even has infections in the tens of thousands? No.