
Linux Today Summary, October 4 – October 10

Here’s a summary of the most popular stories posted to Linux
Today during the last week.

Most Viewed Stories

Microsoft.com: Linux Myths

(9729 reads) (Oct 5)
“With all the recent attention around Linux as an operating system
it’s important to step back from the hype and look at the reality.”

Barstow: MS Linux Myths – The Truth Revealed

(7761 reads) (by Les Barstow) (Oct 7)
“After reading the Microsoft Linux Myths page, I couldn’t resist
posting a rebuttal (yes, another one).”

LinuxWorld: Celebrating ‘Linux Myths’

(7133 reads) (by Nicholas Petreley) (Oct 8)
“Microsoft’s recent anti-Linux diatribe signals nothing new —
except the beginning of an era in which the trade media treats
Linux with respect and Microsoft is forced to publish its own

Brooks: Response to Microsoft’s Linux Myths

(6409 reads) (by Martin Brooks) (Oct 6)
“We feel that some of the points in this article are simply wrong
and therefore have released this response to their article.”

technofile: VMWare runs Windows inside Linux, and it works —
wow, does it work!

(5697 reads) (by Al Fasoldt) (Oct 5)
“After running VMWare for many weeks on my main Linux PC, I’m
convinced it’s about as close as you can come to a miracle this
side of Heaven.”

Most Actively Discussed Stories

Microsoft.com: Linux Myths

(139 talkbacks posted) (Oct 5)
“With all the recent attention around Linux as an operating system
it’s important to step back from the hype and look at the reality.”

Mode Equals One: Linux Reality Versus Microsoft

(46 talkbacks posted) (Oct 9)
“This is an open letter to the people at Microsoft who
irresponsibly posted some misleading information recently upon
their web site. It is the hopes of the author that they will take
these words to task, and clean up their act. It’s my own personal
advice. — Paul Ferris”

Week: CGI script opens door

(39 talkbacks posted) (Oct 4)
“The Linux server running PC Week Labs’ hackpcweek.com security
test site was compromised last week, while the Windows NT server is
still up and running as this story goes to press. That does not
mean we’re declaring Windows NT the security champ; it does mean
we’re declaring Windows NT easier to secure.”

Brooks: Response to Microsoft’s Linux Myths

(33 talkbacks posted) (Oct 6)
“We feel that some of the points in this article are simply wrong
and therefore have released this response to their article.”

technofile: VMWare runs Windows inside Linux, and it works —
wow, does it work!

(24 talkbacks posted) (Oct 5)
“After running VMWare for many weeks on my main Linux PC, I’m
convinced it’s about as close as you can come to a miracle this
side of Heaven.”

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