
LinuxPR: O’Reilly’s Ultimate Tour Guide to Securely Transferring Files

“SSH: The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide” covers the Secure
Shell in detail for both system administrators and end users.”

“Network security is an increasingly hot topic, and with around
two million SSH users across the globe, the information in ‘SSH,
The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide’ is pretty timely,” says
Daniel J. Barrett, coauthor of this new O’Reilly release (US

“SSH, the Secure Shell, is a popular, robust, and powerful
software-based approach to network security. Whenever data is sent
by a computer to the network, SSH automatically encrypts it. When
the date reaches its intended recipient, SSH automatically decrypts
it. The result is “transparent” encryption–users can work
normally, unaware that their communications are safely encrypted on
the network. SSH is an extremely valuable tool that helps users
more safely navigate today’s Internet, and helps system
administrators secure their networks or perform remote
administration. It supports secure file transfer between computers,
secure remote logins, and a unique “tunneling” capability that adds
encryption to otherwise insecure network applications. Best of all,
SSH is free, with feature-filled commercial versions available as


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