[ Thanks to Benjamin
D. Thomas for this link. ]
“In this interview, Bob introduces his new book, discusses the
“seven deadly sins” of Linux security, and outlines the benefits of
the open source software model. He also points out the pitfalls
that many system administrators fall into and how to avoid
“Please give our readers a brief introduction to your new book,
“Real World Linux Security: Intrusion Prevention, Detection and
Recovery.” Who does the book appeal to? Where can it be
“Bob Toxen- Rather than simply providing a guide to crackers or
serving as a theoretical treatise, it is a very “hands on”
step-by-step guide to securing almost any Linux or Unix system to
the extent desired. Along the way I explain why the various things
must be done to secure a system, in a way that does not require a
PhD in computer science.”
“It helps any system administrator understand how and why Linux
and Unix can be made secure and enables administrators to gain a
deeper understanding of security and why Linux and Unix do things
the way that they do. I mention a number of real incidents to give
people a “feel” for what they might encounter in a real break-in
and to avoid the “this cannot happen to me” mentality. I have used
humor throughout the book to make it fun.”
“One of the unique features is Chapter 2, “Quick Fixes For
Common Problem”. It allows a system administrator to take care of
the most severe problems without a large investment in time. I
realize that most system administrators are overworked and that “if
it takes too long” they will not bother. There are jokes or puns
behind almost every example. Many of the examples are complete and
ready for use.”