“According to Linux advocates, Linux is among the most
versatile, stable, and securable operating systems ever developed.
But according to its detractors, Linux is neither as reliable nor
as trustworthy as other Unix variants. BSD proponents, for example,
sometimes charge that Linux’s code base is too convoluted to ever
be as ‘tight’ as OpenBSD or even FreeBSD.“I don’t presume to know in any definitive way whether Linux is
more or less securable than other Unix variants. What I do know is
this: Linux is useful, stable, and securable enough to warrant the
time and effort required to ‘harden’ it against Internet threats.
This article explains some of the reasons I believe it’s both
possible and worthwhile to secure Linux for use as an Internet
server platform…”
O’Reilly: Securing Linux: Why It’s Worthwhile and Achievable
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