“Pwn2Own is a famous contest held in CansecWest Conference.
Every year there is a big reward for researchers who finds
exploitable bugs in popular browser and OS and also in mobile
devices like iPhone. For the past two years the Pwn2Own contest
champion was Charlie Miller (0xcharlie on Twitter), one of the most
famous bug hunter and security expert in the world.“Pwn2Own 2010 will will be held over the course of three days
starting on March 24th, so, we decided to interview Charlie
Miller…“In Pwn2Own 2010 there is still no trace of Linux as possible
target. Is it too harder to find exploits for Linux or a non
commercial operating system has no interest for exploit
hunters?“No, Linux is no harder, in fact probably easier, although some
of this is dependent on the particular flavor of Linux you’re
talking about. The organizers don’t choose to use Linux
because not that many people use it on the desktop. The other thing
is, the vulnerabilities are in the browsers, and mostly, the same
browsers that run on Linux, run on Windows.”Talk is cheap, I think they’re too chicken to take on Linux.
Let’s see some hacking instead of excuses –ed.
Pwn2Own 2010: interview with Charlie Miller
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