“If there is one question I hate, it’s “Which Linux distribution
is the most secure?” followed by “Which firewall is best?” People
ask these questions in all innocence, and very few realize the
complexity behind them. If I’m in a bad mood I’ll usually say,
“Whichever one works best for you with the fewest problems.” While
essentially a correct answer, it is mostly useless.
“To actually answer the question properly, I usually need to
spend the better part of an hour asking the other person questions:
what their requirements are, how much they can spend, what the
current installation has, and so on. After getting this information
I can usually make a recommendation; sometimes the answer is clear,
and other times it isn’t too clear.”
“The point is that you cannot directly compare many security
products. While they may look the same at first glance, they are
often designed to solve completely different problems. This is the
case with three new “secure” Linux distributions.”