
UnixInsider.com: Building blocks to security: Passwords — the first line of defense

Until we all have retinal scanners mounted on our PC’s,
passwords are going to be a fact of life. This article says that
people are making the same sort of mistakes they’ve been making
with regard to passwords for over a decade, and offers some insight
into ways to manage the ever-growing number of logins people have
to juggle to get around their computing environment.

“Even if user password choices are much the same as
they were 10 years ago, however, two dramatic changes have taken
place. For one, the number of passwords and other secret codes that
each of us has to remember has increased dramatically. Given online
banking, online bill paying, access codes for voicemail and
unlocking cell phones, secret codes for ATMs, passwords for logging
in to Websites, and security codes for offices and maybe even
homes, the fact is that we are reaching the point at which we
simply have too many secret codes to remember without some kind of
crutch, whether it be paper or something else altogether. We run
the risk of being locked out of our various accounts and maybe even
our homes and offices by an excess of secret codes. If we set all
of our passwords the same or write them down to compensate, we
introduce risks of another kind.”


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