As posted by Andries Brouwer to C.O.L.A., January 24, 1999 and
also on linux-kernel.
I just learned that has been compromised (so that 1. It gives anybody who logs in with name #!sh a root shell, and 2. It mails usernames and passwords to Probably you do not want to use this enhanced version. The original version has been put back. It has md5sum ab409a6ac5a775a4b04b8e27f6c86933 util-linux-2.9g.tar.gz I am not aware of anything else that was changed, but of course this means for the time being that anything found on this machine must be regarded as suspect. Andries - [PS I would be interested in finding precisely when this was done. If you got a non-corrupt version recently, could you mail me date and time?]
An independent
announcement by Andries Brouwer of the util-linux security
breach was posted to the linux-kernel list and is published on