
WIRED: Watermark Crackers Back Away

Vowing to fight another day for the right to publish their
findings, the team that successfully cracked SDMI four times has
decided to bow to DMCA-citing threats of litigation from the RIAA
and suspend their plans to present a paper on their work at a
conference this week.

As we noted in yesterday’s item on this story (see Related
Stories below), and as readers pointed out in talkbacks, the
information is hardly a well-kept secret and it’s propagating

“We, the authors, reached a collective decision not to expose
ourselves, our employers, and the conference organizers to
litigation at this time,” Ed Felten, a computer science professor
at Princeton, told a crowd of reporters who gathered in the lobby
of the Holiday Inn where the Fourth International Information
Hiding Workshop was taking place.

“Felten said he and his colleagues would “fight another day, in
another way, for the right to publish our paper,” but did not say
how or when that would happen.”


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