“Although some of us administrators may hesitate to
admit it, it is often necessary to relinquish some control and
delegate responsibility, especially in multiadministrator
environments. Fortunately, you can easily delegate administrative
duties on your Linux systems without giving out the root password.
Just use Sudo.The concept behind Sudo (derived from “superuser do”) is quite
genius in its simplicity: Allow specified users or groups to run
root-level commands based on a central configuration file. Sudo
also provides verbose logging of all commands and arguments so you
can track its usage, which is extremely helpful in tracking
problems created by misconfigurations and input error.If you have ever administered a server on which multiple users
need root access, you will immediately see the benefits of Sudo.
Here’s a look at how you can take advantage of it.”
ZDNet/TechRepublic: Decentralise Linux security with Sudo
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