
Internet2 Project Now Hosting Linux Distributions

[ Thanks to Hunter
for this link. ]

“The Internet2 Distributed Storage Infrastructure project has
begun hosting Linux distributions.

“I2-DSI is a project developed by members of LoCI Lab
(loci.cs.utk.edu) at the University of Tennessee. The I2-DSI is an
open content delivery network that allows anyone to become an
active node and host existing content or publish new content. The
nodes maintained by the project are co-located at institutions that
are members of the Internet2 consortium and provide excellent
performance for content delivery.

“Participants that publish their content on I2-DSI receive the
immediate benefit of content redundancy and transparent resolution

“I2-DSI has recently added Mandrake and Redhat Linux
distributions to its Linux channel (linux.dsi.internet2.edu). Other
popular distributions and updates will continue to be added as the
infrastructure continues to grow.

“More information about the project and downloadable tools are
available at dsi.internet2.edu. Information about
the infrastructure is available at dsistats.dsi.internet2.edu.

“Questions, comments? Email us at i2dsi@cs.utk.edu”

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