The PCLinuxOS Magazine staff is pleased to announce the release of the February 2025 issue. With the exception of a brief period in 2009, The PCLinuxOS Magazine has been published on a monthly basis since September, 2006. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is a product of the PCLinuxOS community, published by volunteers from the community. The magazine is led by Paul Arnote, Chief Editor, and Assistant Editor Meemaw. The PCLinuxOS Magazine is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license, and some rights are reserved. All articles may be freely reproduced via any and all means following first publication by The PCLinuxOS Magazine, provided that attribution to both The PCLinuxOS Magazine and the original author are maintained, and a link is provided to the originally published article.
In the February 2025 issue:
* ICYMI: Six Security Vulnerabilities Found In rsync
* Good Words, Good Deeds, Good News
* Wiki Pick: How To Change Program Icon
* Inkscape Tutorial: Create A Decorative Border
* Repo Review: QOwnNotes
* PCLinuxOS Recipe Corner: Taco Beef Bake with Cheddar Biscuit Topping
* And much more inside!
This month’s cover was created by parnote.
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