“Evans Data Corporation released today the second volume of its
continuing Linux Developers Survey series, a comprehensive study of
over 300 Linux Developers interviewed in August 2000. The study
reveals there was over 50% increase of Linux applications being
written for wireless devices in the last six months.”
“The study looked at various implementations and found that over
50% of developers plan to develop applications for internal
corporate use, and 40% are planning to create e-commerce
applications. Only 20% of developers are writing applications for
mobile devices; however, this number reflects over 50% increase
since the Spring 2000 survey. These percentages reflect multiple
response results (where developers were allowed more than one
answer) and therefore do not add up to 100…
“Wireless is hot among developers now,” said Janel Garvin,
VP of Research at Evans Data, “but this increase among Linux
developers is astounding.” Wireless appplications showed the
largest increase compared to apps for internal corporate use,
e-commerce apps, web portals, and apps for embedded systems.”