“Many times during recent months and years, you have publicly
expressed your concern about monopoly dangers in the software area.
This month, at the Berlin kartell conference, you mentioned
Microsoft as an example and correctly stated that it is not the
size of the company but the dominance of communication interfaces
which is dangerous. You reassured us that your establishment is
keeping a close eye on this danger.
“Unfortunately there seem to be some colleagues in the EU who do
not share your danger consciousness. They are currently planning
measures which can only result in aggravating the anti-competitive
tendencies of the software industry and its heavy bias in favor of
very few, mainly American, software giants.
“On June 24th a legislative proposal is to be presented at the
Intellectual Property Conference in Paris, according to which a
US-like “software patent” system is to be introduced in
letter and opportunity to add your signature.
Related story:
Richard Stallman
— Saving Europe from Software Patents