Exposing the popular misconception about Linux internals.
Article by Bill Garrett.
Linux Today reader Matt
Anderson writes:
“I am a Win32 user personally, but I found a really kickin’
article that dealt with many of the issues and myths I (as a Win32
user) was forced to deal with in moving to a Linux desktop. The
overview takes on some of the common misconceptions of the Linux
“It begins by including a down to earth comparison between both
Windows and Linux on common issues like usability and support.”
“Additionally, this review goes on to address common myths
attributed to the Linux OS and offers stepwise insight into how to
minimize numerous unnecessary gaps between your OS of preference
(whether is be Windows or MacOS) and Linux.
“In a nutshell, I think any Win32 and/or MacOS faithful users
will find this a worthy read … and hopefully will dismiss any
unfounded doubts about this elegant OS.”