“Merlin Software Technologies International Inc., a leading
developer of Linux based software applications and utilities, today
announced an agreement with Servicios Humanos Especializados en
Computo, S.A. under which S.H.E.C will distribute PerfectBACKUP+
throughout Mexico.”
“S.H.E.C., one of the biggest providers of Unix based products
and services in Mexico for the past five years, is now focusing on
being the premier Linux applications provider. Cuauhtemoc Trejo,
the company’s Special Products Manager, said “our orientation is
reseller channel development, working with resellers and
distributors throughout the country. Our strategy is to begin
seminars on Backup & Crash Recovery for Linux resellers and
“This agreement, coupled with our recent announcement to support
Sun’s Solaris operating system and other proprietary Unix variants
with the release of version 7.0 of PerfectBACKUP+, is indicative of
the kind of synergistic relationship between Linux and Unix. By
porting PerfectBACKUP+ to other Unix variants and continuing to
provide full Linux support, Merlin Software is becoming a one stop
shop for distributors looking for quality applications to add to
their product line.” said Robert Heller, President of Merlin
Software Technologies.”