“Call it a sign of the high-tech times. But how far will it go?
It’s one thing when computer companies like Apple, Silicon
Graphics, or Sun Microsystems try to tap into the energy of a
collection of avid, self-motivated programmers. But a presidential
candidate declaring his Web site open source?”
“”Before you know it, Crystal Geyser is going to be open source
water,” quipped Michael Tiemann, cofounder of Cygnus Solutions, a
company that has written much of the open source compilers
essential to the Linux operating system.”
“Under the open source development model, the original
programming instructions for a piece of software are made freely
available for anyone to modify or use. The model has proven
successful in debugging and advancing Linux and software that
accompanies the Unix-like operating system. It that realm,
programmers often are motivated not by money but by the recognition
they get for contributing to the effort.”