“If you like those big toolsets from Sears that contain hundreds
of pieces–and what’s not to like, more = better–you’ll love
lcrzoex, the 400+ piece network testing toolbox. The author calls
it ‘Swiss Knife For Network Developers.’“Written by Laurent Constantin, it runs on *nix and Windows. I
wish Mr. Constantin had authored a catchier name, but what the
heck, it’s his program. I quote from the lcrzo docs: ‘Lcrzo, which
means ‘Laurent Constantin RHZO’ (RHZO=network in French), can be
pronounced ”el’ ‘sea’ ‘reso’lv’. Mr. Constantin was kind enough to
provide an English translation of all the documentation.“lcrzoex is based on the freely available lcrzo library- if
you’ve a mind to modify or develop your own utilities, go for it,
it is licensed under the GPL. *nix systems also need libpcap, the
ubiquitous UNIX packet capturing library. Windows needs the winpcap
library, the Windows version of libpcap. Some days I feel more like
a librarian than a sysadmin…”
Related Story:
Constantin: Testing a router or firewall(May 04, 2001)