“Today, SuSE Linux, the international technology leader and
solutions provider in Open Source operating system (OS), announced
the February 12th availability of the SuSE Linux 7.1 with the newly
released Kernel 2.4. Only a few weeks after Linus Torvalds released
Kernel 2.4, SuSE now presents the latest duo from Europe’s best
selling Linux distribution. SuSE Linux 7.1 Personal, offering
selected software and documentation tuned to the requirements of
Linux newcomers and desktop users, and SuSE Linux 7.1 Professional,
providing experienced users with the applications needed for
utilization as a server operating system.”
“Kernel 2.4 is a further stepping stone towards “Enterprise
Computing” and benefits both server and desktop applications. With
its improved multi-processor support, an addressable RAM of up to
64 GB, and a 64-bit file system, Linux now enters a sphere which
was previously reserved for commercial Unix variants. Desktop and
notebook users benefit from enhanced USB support and simplified
administration of hardware components, including plug & play
for ISA cards and ACPI.”
“SuSE will continue shipping the reliable 2.2 series kernels
parallel to Kernel 2.4. Kernel 2.2.18 also boasts a remarkably
improved USB support, version 3 of the network file system NFS, and
integrated support of Intel’s latest CPU Pentium IV.”