
GnackTrackR6 Just Released!

[ Thanks to Matthew
for this link. ]

GnackTrackR6 has just been released. This version has
many wireless patches precompiled in and also has the latest
version of kismet, wireshark, xplico, metasploit, nmap, beef, w3af,
aircrack, armitage and much more.

R6 also sees the adoption of a social engineering mode which
will quickly theme the distro to look like WindowsXP. Video Demo

GnackTrackR6 can be run live from DVD or USB and can also be
installed natively. There is also a VMWare image available for
those that test from within a virtual machine.

The Developers are constantly taking new requests for tools and
adding them pretty quickly.

To get your copy just go to www.gnacktrack.co.uk

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