Michael Fulbright
“Its in ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/redhat/0.99.3
Should be an easy upgrade for a RH 5.2 system, includes gtk+10
and glib10, compatibility libs so current gtk+ 1.0 apps on your box
(gimp, etc) should still work.”
To help users out, Daniel
M. German has written up some essential tips for users
interested in installing these RPMS:
Hi everybody,
I downloaded and updated my copy of gnome. I use RPMs for RedHat
(I have 5.1 with working 99.2).
I already had 99.2 and I installed 99.3. This might be part of a
read me file for the RPMS.
In my last two installations I have kept records. I like to
install and uninstall one by one (call me anal retentive when it
comes to installing packages).
Here is a valid order of installation (or desinstallation)
without without having to force any replacements:
This is a correct order in which GNOME installs (or uninstalls
in reverse order).
- glib
- glib-devel
- gtk+
- gtk+-devel
- ORBit
- ORBit-devel
- libghttp
- libghttp-devel
- libxml
- libxml-devel
- freetype
- freetype-devel
- imlib
- imlib-devel
- fnlib
- fnlib-devel
- audiofile
- audiofile-devel
- esound
- esound-devel
- enlightenment
- gnome-libs
- gnome-libs-devel
- gnome-objc
- gnome-objc-devel
- libgtop
- libgtop-devel
- libgtop-examples
- glib10
- gtk+10
- ee
- gnome-core
- gnome-core-devel
- mc
- mcserv
- gmc
- gnome-games
- gnome-games-devel
- gnome-media
- gnome-utils
- gnome-pim
- gtop
- gtk-engines
- xchat
- imlib-cfgeditor
- gnumeric
- control-center
- control-center-devel
- gnotepad+
I needed to remove the following packages to be able to install
gtk, you might need to do so. They install in this order,
desinstall in the reverse one.
- control-panel
- printtool
- timetool
- usermode
- replay
- gimp
- usernet