
GNOME Summary: November 2-9, 2002

This is the GNOME Summary for 2002-11-02 - 2002-11-09
Table of Contents

1. Tons of Evolution
2. New tooth in the GNOME bite
3. GNOME Foundation Candidates
4. GNOME Filesector Continued
5. Anjuta 1.0
6. More good medicine
7. Nautilus Bugzilla
8. Nautilus Media
9. Gtkmm 2.0
10. GNOME and Python
11. Translated GNOME summaries
12. Hacker Activity
13. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity
14. New and Updated Software

1. Tons of Evolution

The fantastic team at Ximian has done it again. Not only is the higly 
anticipated Evolution 1.2 release available, but Ettore Perazolli also 
announced that the also much anticipated GNOME 2 porting has begun. Not
strange then that Evolution rules this weeks CVS statistics. 

2. New tooth in the GNOME bite

Edd Dumbill is working on adding Bluetooth support to GNOME. This is
done by writing a Bluetooth device subsystem. Basically it's a Bonobo
component that knows about the Bluetooth devices available to the
computer, and brokers interrogation of this database to applications. It
can also set up serial port connections to Bluetooth devices for
clients. Early adopters should talk to 'edd' in #gnome on irc.gnome.org/
to help out with testing the code so Edd can do a first official
release. Screenshot below. 


3. GNOME Foundation Candidates

Once again it is time for us to choose the finest among us to spearhead
the GNOME World Domination effort, through the GNOME Foundation Board.
As always there are more great candidates that seats that needs to be
filled, but I think we can be assured that whoever of these gets elected
we will have a great GNOME board this year also. Check below for a full
list of candidates. 


4. GNOME Filesector Continued

Last summary I claimed that we had a likely winner to be the new GNOME 
file-selector. This was not accurate. The code in libegg has a good
chance of course, but the race is by now way over. It is also important
to know that the fileselector seen in current GNOME 2 releases will be
the one shipping for GNOME 2.2 also, so the fruits of these efforts is
GNOME 2.4 material (which means 6-9 months away). Anyway Rodney Dawes
has also made a proposal for the new fileselector, this one too with
code behind it. Check out the Elysium libraries page for three
screenshots of it in action. 


5. Anjuta 1.0

Naba Kumar with good help from Biswapesh Chattopadhyay,Andy Piper,Chris 
Woodruff,Johannes Schmid and Stéphane Démurget proudly announced the
release of Anjuta 1.0 this week. Anjuta is a very nice integrated
development environment for GNOME. If you haven't tried it in a while or
not at all, you really should it rocks. The Anjuta team is now focusing
their effort on Anjuta2. 

6. More good medicine

GNOME is all about providing our users with good medicine. To strenghten
this effort Jens Finke made a new release of Apotheke this week.
Apotheke is a CVS view for Nautilus which in this version lets you do
things like get status, create a diff, make a commit and update. So read
the full announcement and get your medicine. 

7. Nautilus Bugzilla

The GNOME bugteam and the Nautilus hackers joined forces last weekend to
clean up the Nautilus bugzilla. The result was more than 200 bug reports
resolved. Hopefully more drives like this will be held as we go forward
to bring the Nautilus bugzilla to a level where it reflects only current
bugs and not historic ones. A great thanks to everyone involved, keep up
the great work. (This week statistic don't properly reflect this as the
bugcount reduction was split between this week and last weeks.) 

8. Nautilus Media

Thomas Vander Stichele has done some wonderfull work to get the GNOME
2.2 multimedia effort on track the last few weeks. Not only did he write
up a great summary of where we are and what we can/should do, he also
got the nautilus-media module started which is a set of GStreamer based
additions to Nautilus, like a much improved music view and a video
thumbnailer. Future plans include video preview on hoover. Great work


9. Gtkmm 2.0

Murray Cumming and the gtkmm team has managed to get the gtk+ 2.x C++
bindings ready in record time. The first non-development release of the
popular gtkmm bindings for Gtk+ 2.x is now available to be enjoyed by
C++ hackers everywhere. Check out link below for announcement and

10. GNOME and Python

Hilaire Fernandes delivered the third installment in his GNOME and
Python tutorial series on Linuxfocus.org. While focusing on the GNOME1
bindings much of the knowledge learned from reading these tutorials can
be applied to working with the GNOME2 Python bindings. Check out the
tutorial to learn why Python is such a perl. 


11. Translated GNOME summaries

We now have French, German, Hungarian, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish -
all the links below. 


12. Hacker Activity

Thanks for Paul Warren for these lists.

Most active modules:
 158 evolution
 89 gnucash
 88 gnumeric
 69 gtk+
 53 sun-patches
 45 gimp
 44 gtkhtml
 37 sawfish
 33 rhythmbox
 33 mc
 31 beast
 27 gtkmm-root
 27 nautilus
 26 gnome-panel
 26 devhelp
 25 web-devel-2
 25 bonsai
 24 gnome-xml
 23 totem
 23 galeon
[127 active modules omitted]

Most active hackers:
 143 dmitrym
 52 yacob
 47 toshok
 43 fejj
 41 cstim (gnucash)
 40 rodrigo
 39 owen
 38 menthos
 36 ettore
 33 murrayc
 32 jsh
 29 warlord (gnucash)
 28 timj
 28 jdassen
 28 mortenw
 27 calum
 24 hadess
 24 lewing
 23 neo
 22 jbaayen
[155 active hackers omitted]

13. Gnome Bug Hunting Activity

This information is from http://bugzilla.gnome.org, which hosts bug and
feature reports for most of the Gnome modules. If you would like to join
the bug hunt, subscribe to the gnome-bugsquad mailing list.

Currently open: 7460 (In the last week: New: 663, Resolved: 770,

Modules with the most open bugs (excluding enhancement requests): 

  nautilus: 692 (In the last week: New: 43, Resolved: 177, Difference:
  gtk+: 539 (In the last week: New: 21, Resolved: 90, Difference: -69)
  galeon: 355 (In the last week: New: 91, Resolved: 58, Difference: +33)
  GIMP: 281 (In the last week: New: 31, Resolved: 26, Difference: +5)
  gnome-vfs: 269 (In the last week: New: 6, Resolved: 38, Difference:
  gnome-applets: 194 (In the last week: New: 22, Resolved: 8,
Difference: +14)
  gnome-panel: 140 (In the last week: New: 39, Resolved: 42, Difference:
  gnome-core: 110 (In the last week: New: 22, Resolved: 6, Difference:
  control-center: 100 (In the last week: New: 30, Resolved: 28,
Difference: +2)
  medusa: 93 (In the last week: New: 0, Resolved: 3, Difference: -3)
  libzvt: 90 (In the last week: New: 0, Resolved: 1, Difference: -1)
  dia: 87 (In the last week: New: 16, Resolved: 2, Difference: +14)
  sawfish: 84 (In the last week: New: 1, Resolved: 28, Difference: -27)
  GnuCash: 82 (In the last week: New: 10, Resolved: 7, Difference: +3)
  Gnumeric: 78 (In the last week: New: 8, Resolved: 8, Difference: 0)
Gnome Bugzilla users who resolved or closed the most bugs: 
  bordoley msu edu: 66 bugs closed.
  dkennedy tinytoad com: 65 bugs closed.
  aschwin van der woude creanor com: 62 bugs closed.
  newren math utah edu: 58 bugs closed.
  yaneti declera com: 46 bugs closed.
  otaylor redhat com: 31 bugs closed.
  jsh pixelslut com: 28 bugs closed.
  teuf users sourceforge net: 27 bugs closed.
  heath pointedstick net: 27 bugs closed.
  andrew sobala net: 26 bugs closed.
  vincent vuntz net: 20 bugs closed.
  bfrantzdale hmc edu: 17 bugs closed.
  sven gimp org: 17 bugs closed.
  davef tetsubo com: 15 bugs closed.
  jfleck inkstain net: 14 bugs closed.
14. New and Updated Software

pkgview  - gnome desktop component version tool.
gnocl  - A gtk / gnome extension for Tcl
sawfish  - Lisp-extensible window manager for X11.
regexxer  - nifty search/replace tool
gsoftpad  - Portable Application Description PAD
Gamazons  - Gnome implemenation of Amazons
GTetrinet  - Tetrinet client for GNOME
gcompressor  - compression decompression utility
gnome-utils  - collection of small applications.
Devil's Pie  - Tool to manage windows
Gobject Factory  - GObject code generator
netspeed_applet  - networkspeed monitor applet
Coaster  - Coaster - The Gnome Cd Burner
Anjuta  - Integrated Development Environment
File Roller  - Archive manager.
Inti-GConf  - An Inti binding for GConf
gnome-mlview  - xml editor for gnome
Gnome Souls  - Desktop Assistand - with Homer
Terminal Server Client  - a frontend for rdesktop
Gwine  - A wine cellar manager
Meld  - Meld: a diff and merge tool.
gnome-games  - Many games - gnothello, solitaire, tetravex and others
apotheke  - Nautilus CVS view

For more information on these packages visit the GNOME Software map: 

As mentioned in the previous summary we have had a difference between
the number of open bugs reported on the bugzilla.gnome.org/ website and
the statistics here in the Summary.That difference is now fixed and it
turns out  the statistics here in the GNOME Summary is the one that has
been correct all the time.
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller 
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <Uraeus@linuxrising.org>

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