
How to develop for Linux

[ Thanks to AV for this
link. ]

“Linux has a long history of software development, and
a flourishing range of applications that meet even the most bizarre
of needs.

“A quick poke around freshmeat.net is testament to this, with
its rich tapestry of useful, wild, and often wacky apps. Distros
such as Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu bring these applications to their
users with a quick apt-get or a yum install.

“As this work was going on, Apple released the iPhone and made a
major breakthrough in computing; it made the application developer
platform attractive, consistent and accessible to consumers. Anyone
with an iPhone could download a range of apps, many simple and
silly, but all consistent in their presentation, and often new and
innovative in how they used features of the phone such as the GPS,
accelerometer and other facilities.”

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