“Sun Microsystems unveiled its much-anticipated set of
Web-enabled productivity applications, called Webtop, during a
Monday news conference here where the company revealed what it aims
to be its Internet services attack on rival vendors.”
“The Webtop 1.0 developer release arrives almost 18 months after
Sun first announced its vision of anytime, anywhere productivity
applications with the StarPortal project. During Monday’s Sun Open
Net Environment (Sun ONE) launch, Sun executives casually mentioned
the name switch to Webtop and made no mention of the project’s
lengthy delivery delay….”
“The next big thing for us is to support other platforms,” said
Gina Centoni, senior director for Sun’s Web and applications
business unit. The company will release Webtop versions compatible
with the Linux OS in March and then support for Microsoft’s Windows
2000 by the end of the third quarter. Sun will also deliver Bersion
1.1 of Webtop with added offline support features by the fourth
quarter, Centoni said.”