
Interview: CrunchBang Creator Explains Switch to Debian Sources

“MY fondness for CrunchBang Linux is well documented, so when
the release of the first alpha version of the next generation of
this fine UK-based distribution was announced I was excited, to say
the least.

“Regulars on the CrunchBang forum have known for some time that
distro leader Philip Newborough was considering ending his
creation’s Ubuntu foundations, moving instead to being built from

“So it was no real surprise when Philip’s release notes for
CrunchBang 10 ‘Statler’ revealed:

“”The first alpha builds of CrunchBang Linux 10 “Statler” are
available now. For the first time, CrunchBang is being built with
Debian sources, as opposed to Ubuntu.

“The LiveCD build process has changed. Previous versions of
CrunchBang were built using the remastersys project, this has now
been dropped in favour of using the Debian Live Project.

“CrunchBang builds now take place remotely on a VPS provided by
Linode. The VPS, Dr. Bunsen, is funded by generous sponsors to the

“The CrunchBang 10 alpha 1 builds were completed on the 16th
& 17th of March 2010 and contain all package updates available
at the time from the Debian Squeeze repositories.”

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