
JabberCentral: What is a Jabber Client?

[ Thanks to Justin
for this link. ]

“A rose is a rose, by any other name.” But is the same true for
a Jabber client? I don’t think so.”

“To answer this question, we first have to decide what a Jabber
client is. To many, it is a program with which to chat with
friends, and join in group discussions. On one level, of course it
is. The current cluster of available Jabber clients are focused
pretty much on the initial competency (there’s a reason why I’m not
using the phrase ‘core competency’) of Jabber: Instant Messaging

“Jabber is an architecture, a way of thinking, a set of
protocols, just as much as it is an actual implementation in the
form of a server and clients. And this architecture lends itself to
much more than the exchange of gossip between friends, or the
hosting of WAMs (Wide Area Meetings 😉 in group chat. It can be
injected easily into the virtual routes between systems and users,
acting as “message plasma” to bind those entities taking part in
conversations as equal partners, and to provide them with a space
and time structure in which to engage in those conversations.”


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