“November 3rd, 2009. Like the ticking of a Swiss watch, every
month the KDE team brings you a new release. November’s edition of
KDE is a bugfix and translation update to KDE 4.3. With the KDE 4
series picking up in popularity, we’re happy to encourage even more
people to give KDE 4 another spin — or just upgrade your existing
KDE to KDE 4.3.3. As the release only contains bugfixes and
translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for
everyone. Users around the world will appreciate that KDE 4.3.3 is
more completely translated. KDE 4 is already translated into more
than 50 languages, with more to come.“KDE 4.3.3 has a number of improvements that will make your life
just a little bit better. Some of KWin’s effects have been smoothed
and freed of visual glitches, JuK should now be more stable, KDE
PIM has seen its share of improvements while in the back-rooms of
KDE, the developers are working hard on porting all applications to
the new Akonadi storage and cache. The changelog has more, if not
exhaustive, lists of the improvements since KDE 4.3.2.”
KDE 4.3.3 Out Now: Clockwork
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