So rc6 is delayed, not because of any development problems, but simply
because the internet was horribly bad my usual Sunday afternoon time,
and I decided not to even try to fight it.
And by delaying things, I got a couple more ull requests in from Greg.
Yay, I guess?
rc6 is a bit larger than I was hoping for, and I'm not sure whether
that is a sign that we _will_ need an rc8 after all this release
(which wouldn't be horribly surprising), or whether it's simply due to
timing. I'm going to leave that open for now, so just know that rc8
_may_ happen.
Things otherwise look fairly normal. Drivers (gpu, networking, input,
media, usb..) is the bulk of it, but we've got some selftest updates
that show up in the diffstat too. The rest is pretty evenly spread out
everywhere: some Documentation, some arch updates, som filesystem,
some core kernel and key handling.
Go out and test,
Linux 4.14 rc6
Linus Torvalds
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