“The Open Source Development Labs hosted the third Desktop
Architecture Meeting in Portland, Ore., last week to continue
discussions on how to move the Linux desktop forward. More than 40
developers were in attendance, from organizations such as
Hewlett-Packard, X.org, Red Hat, Nokia, Intel, OpenWengo, AMD,
Xandros, Linuxprinting.org, and many several others.“We would have liked to report on DAM3 directly, but OSDL
refused to allow reporters to attend, citing member concerns about
disclosing information with reporters present. Instead, we spoke
with OSDL’s Desktop Linux (DTL) initiative manager, John Cherry;
Jim McQuillan of the Linux Terminal Server Project; and Dave Neary
of the OpenWengo project…”
Linux.com: Linux Desktop Architects Map Out Plans for 2007
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