2 minor updates, and 2 new HOWTOs!
Document Name | Classification | Update | Author | Description | Version |
Firewall-HOWTO | howto | minor | Mark Grennan <markg@netplus.net> | How to set up a firewall using Linux | v0.67, 26 September 1999 |
Glibc2-HOWTO | howto | minor | Eric Green <ejg3@cornell.edu> | How to install and migrate to the glibc2 library | v1.6, 22 June 1998 |
LDAP-HOWTO | howto | new | Luiz Ernesto Pinheiro Malere <malere@yahoo.com> | Information about installing, configuring, running and maintaining an LDAP Server on Linux. |
v1.0, 20 June 1999 |
SMP-HOWTO | howto | new | David Mentré <David.Mentre@irisa.fr> | This HOWTO reviews main issues (and I hope solutions) related to SMP configuration under Linux. |
v1.4, 30 september 1999 |