
Linux for Windows (a screensaver)

Marco Iannacone writes:

The first screensaver about Linux for Win95/98/NT is now

Windows users often want to know how Linux looks like and if
there is a GUI or if it is only command line interface.

That’s the reason why this screensaver was created: it is a
collection of screenshots with transition effects…

In addition Linux users that use some Windows box in the office
could do some marketing by putting this screensaver on those PC so
other people can ask what it is…

The screensaver (called Linux feeling) is available from:


NOTE: my site doesn’t have a lot of bandwidth, so if someone can
provide a mirror I’ll really appreciate.

[ His website now says that he has the software on a
Linuxberg mirror. -lt ed

Update: Marco wrote in again:

I’m sorry to bother you, but the linuxtoday effect (also called
slashdot effect) completely saturated the bandwidth of my ISP

For this reason my server has been shutdown and it will be put
online only if I take some action.

I urgently need a real working mirror with a lot of bandwidth to
provide the program…

Update: You can download it here (thanks to
Update: Another mirror, courtesy of “The Tibetan Traveller”ftp://balder.aufait.net/pub/software/win95/scr-setup.exe

Update: Yet another mirror. ftp://ftp.digitalgeeks.com/pub/linuxfiles/scr-setup.exe
– from Todd

That should cover it. If anybody else comes around with a mirror
– post it as a talkback below.

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