
Linux Today Summary, September 27 – October 3

Here’s a summary of the most popular stories posted to Linux
Today during the last week.

Most Viewed Stories

Pranevich — Wonderful World of Linux 2.4 (10/02/99 “Final”

(6225 reads) (by Joe Pranevich) (Oct 3)
Linux 2.4 will build on the great advancements provided under Linux
2.2 to become an even better platform for desktop, server, and
embedded tasks.

Register: New Transmeta patent reveals x-86 killer

(6189 reads) (by John Lettice) (Sep 29)
“But don’t you think that, with the latest information going into
the public domain, that Transmeta’s secret is more or less blown?
Might as well announce it then – over to you, Linus.”

Netscape Communicator 4.7 available

(5799 reads) (Oct 1)

Linux.com: Choosing a window manager

(4798 reads) (Sep 27)
“Which window manager is the best? Which one is fastest? Which one
is prettiest? Those questions are sure to start religious wars if
asked on irc, and probably rank up there with “which distribution
is best” as a cause of flame wars.”

LinuxWorld: IBM’s secret summit

(4592 reads) (by Joe Barr) (Sep 29)
“I’m detailing this to make sure you understand. Linux is a very
big deal at IBM.”

Most Actively Discussed Stories

Can you install Linux? I think I can

(49 talkbacks posted) (Sep 28)
“Linux may be leading the open-source movement but is it the
software for the people?”

Internet Week: StarOffice Is A Poor Substitute For

(36 talkbacks posted) (Sep 27)
“Sun’s thin-client approach to productivity apps ignores the fact
that much of the attraction to Microsoft Office has to do with its
programmability, at least among business users.”

Linux.com: Choosing a window manager

(25 talkbacks posted) (Sep 27)
“Which window manager is the best? Which one is fastest? Which one
is prettiest? Those questions are sure to start religious wars if
asked on irc, and probably rank up there with “which distribution
is best” as a cause of flame wars.”

Networks posts Fix for Linux Real Player G2 Alpha

(24 talkbacks posted) (Sep 29)
“Many Linux users found that their Real Player G2 programs stopped
working this morning. Apparently Real Networks encoded an
expiration date in the code. After some quick calls to Real
Networks and some fast foot work by their technical people, the
Linux G2 player has been patched so that it will not be expired.”

Windows 2000 Reality Check

(24 talkbacks posted) (Sep 29)
“Microsoft told us the next version of Windows NT would be the
Mother of All Operating Systems: Robust, stable, easier to use. …
When Win2000 appears, it will be a compromise, with many promised
features still missing.”

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