“This article is the fourth in a LinuxDevices.com series on
Exploring Linux PDA Software Alternatives by Jerry Epplin that
explores the history, status, alternative architectures, and future
developments of Linux on PDAs and handheld devices.”
“The handhelds.org distribution uses the X window system, an
appropriate choice for a high-end PDA like the iPAQ. But several
companies provide GUI development environments implemented directly
on the Linux framebuffer device, an approach that results in more
efficient use of resources at the expense of the flexibility of X.
One such development environment is the Qt Palmtop Environment
(QPE) by Trolltech, the developers of the Qt GUI framework.”
“In this article, I will discuss what QPE is and what’s
unique about it, explain how to obtain and install it, and review
its operation and utility as a developer’s tool.”
“Besides having good licensing terms, Trolltech’s products are
all extremely well documented. It would be hard to find a better
documented open-source API than Qt. An excellent online API
reference, manuals, and tutorials are available at
doc.trolltech.com. And because of its popularity with desktop GUI
developers there are many third-party books on Qt available
(including one in the popular “SAMS Teach Yourself” series).”