“SCWM has always been one of the also-rans among the X window
managers. Periodically, one sees a round-up article on the various
window managers, with Enlightenment, Sawfish, and maybe fwvm thrown
in for variety’s sake after the article’s writer focuses on the Big
Two, KDE and GNOME. Then, at the end of the article, there’s
typically a “but wait, there’s more” paragraph that lists all the
also-rans, but tells nothing of their features.”
“SCWM is not a window manager that deserves to be banished to
obscurity in the X community. Rather, it deserves a very close look
by those users who really want to learn how graphical interfaces
are put together and who want absolute precision in how they want
their windows to appear.”
“Some of you may be saying that you already have such things
with your own window manager, and I would certainly not dispute
that. But the methodology in which most X window managers approach
window placement and size can be completely different from how SCWM
does it.”