
LinuxPR: Linux Canada Inc. Releases Quasar Accounting Software for Linux (Beta Version)

“Continuing its commitment to Linux and the the development of
Linux based applications, Linux Canada Inc. today announced the
beta release of its new accounting application for business –

“Linux Canada Inc. has been working with Linux since 1994. Its
Linux based retail application, Retailer’s Choice, has been
installed in retail sites since 1995. The feature-set, quality, and
reliability of Linux make it an excellent O/S for the
mission-critical retail and business environment. In 1998, Linux
Canada Inc. released LinuxPOS, a retail point-of-sale application
developed in Linux for Linux.”

“Convinced that Linux is the wave of the future, Linux Canada
Inc. has developed Quasar accounting software. In the next few
months, Linux Canada Inc. will release an interface between the
Quasar application and the LinuxPOS application, providing a truly
dynamic business combination for those businesses requiring both
accounting and point-of-sale. Quasar and LinuxPOS will be of
immediate interest to those demanding quality, reliability and


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