“Sistina Software Inc. on January 22nd, announced the release of
the Global File System (GFSTM) version 4.0. GFS 4.0 is the first
cluster file system available for the Linux operating system, and
is released under the terms of the GNU General Public license
(GPL). Sistina’s GFS transforms a cluster of Linux servers into
a Storage Cluster, extending all of the availability and
performance of clusters to storage sensitive compute
activities. GFS gives administrators the ability to
simultaneously mount shared storage devices on multiple nodes in a
Storage Area Network. This enables simultaneous access to files
within the file system. Symmetric, shared access to devices
prevents the performance bottleneck and single-point-of-failure
associated with traditional network file systems. With GFS version
4.0, Sistina sets the standard for performance and data
availability with a business-ready Storage Cluster solution.”
“Storage Clusters running GFS provide unmatched scalability for
storage systems in four areas.”
“…GFS runs independently of the underlying hardware platform
allowing it to take advantage of Linux’s heterogeneous scalability
from embedded systems to mainframes. Storage Clusters running GFS
exploit the advanced scalability, performance, and SAN management
features of Fibre Channel, gigabit Ethernet, and high performance