
LinuxWorld.com.au: A consumers’ guide to Red Hat 7.0

“With the release of Red Hat 7.0, code named “Guinness”, Red Hat
(www.redhat.com) has continued to improve its popular Linux
operating system. This review looks at Red Hat 7.0 and what it
offers as a complete operating system for Linux consumers.”

“Coinciding with a major version number increase, from 6.2 to
7.0, Red Hat has aimed at greatly increasing the number of changes
and enhancements to the operating system. In reality, Red Hat 7
keeps much the same design as Red Hat 6.2 and this is the one of
the first releases in which Red Hat has not made significant
structural changes. Red Hat 7.0 is more of a refinement and a
tidying-up of the previous release.

“The Red Hat installation manager, Anaconda, has changed little
from 6.2. Interestingly, users can choose to install both KDE and
GNOME, so that they can use either desktop environment, or both.
Previously, one had to choose to install either a KDE workstation
or a GNOME workstation – a point for which Red Hat was criticised.
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