
LinuxWorld: It’s the desktop, stupid – Lose sight of the desktop and risk losing the server, as well

“Linux is doing extremely well in the server market these days.
But there are three things Linux needs to conquer next in order to
stay alive in the server space: The desktop, the desktop, and the

“Linus Torvalds himself recently said that the desktop is king.
But I get the impression he sees the desktop market as simply a
competitive challenge. To many of us, the thought of Linux
dominating the desktop truly is an escape from tyranny. And we
don’t care if we end up running one brand of Linux, several brands
of Linux, or a big mix of Linux and the various free BSDs. Simply
put, what drives us most is the desire to see Microsoft lose its
control over the desktop.”

“We’ll all be happy to let Microsoft own a piece of the desktop
market and even make billions in the process. But we do not want to
allow Microsoft a controlling majority. Statements like that always
trigger a wave of emails from readers eager to accuse me of bashing
Microsoft. (When have I ever?) Many of you will undoubtedly defend
the quality of Windows 2000 as compared with previous versions of
Windows or versus Linux.”

“But if that’s what you think this is about, you’re truly not
getting it. This is not about hating Windows. This is not about
hating the talented folks at Microsoft. This is not about hating
Bill Gates, nor punishing a successful business. This is not even a
war about the quality of operating systems. This is a war about

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